The Shift Every Business Needs to Make in their Social Media Strategy if They Hope to Stand Out

Over the last decade, a lot has changed when it comes to social media - some things were a flash in the pan (is clubhouse even still a thing?) and some things have continued to become even more important (ahem. SHORT. FORM. VIDEO.)

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The shift every business needs to make in their social media strategy if they hope to stand out

Over the last decade, a lot has changed when it comes to social media - some things were a flash in the pan (is clubhouse even still a thing?) and some things have continued to become even more important (ahem. SHORT. FORM. VIDEO.)

But there’s a subtle shift that’s happening in the market place right now that has the potential to widen the divide between brands that stick and brands that flop…and most business owners have no idea it’s even happening.

Over the past few years, if you’re a business leveraging social media, you’ve probably been focused on building authority and showcasing your knowledge as the key to gaining clients online. And while that’s not going away per se, it IS shifting as a younger demographic enters the purchasing economy and influences the creation and evolution of the platforms we use to market. (In short, Gen Z’s consumption patterns dictate the platforms we use that inform the creation of algorithms that decide whether or not to show our content.)

In English? If a bulk of tiktok and instagram users want to see more ENTERTAINING CONTENT, then brands are forced to create it, or get left behind.

What does this mean for you? It means we have to dig into the personality behind your brand, and pull it to the forefront of your marketing efforts. We used to save behind the scenes content for the stories and the weekend, but we’re going to have to shift that focus to use your social media feed as the reality show that is running your business. Where TRUST used to be the biggest factor in leveraging social media to grow your business, you’re seeing a shift towards LIKE.

People want to support brands and businesses they LIKE. And if you’re only giving them information that teaches them things without connecting with them, you’re going to notice your views tank over time.

So how can you shift this in your own business? Start to think of your social media as the reality TV show that films you doing the work you do. What’s the water cooler conversation? What funny things do you do while working? What toxic traits do you share with your consumers? They want to feel connected to you, so you’re going to have to get over the idea that your posture on social media is that of the authority that teaches them everything. View your sales content and your knowledge based content as the COMMERCIAL, and the lifestyle, humor and connection content as the show.

Struggling to figure out how to make this work for your brand and business? Find a time on my calendar to talk about your goals for marketing your business online, and how we may be able to help.

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